Monday 7 March 2011

Panic Magazine's 50th Issue Party! + New Videos

Panic Magazine's 50th Issue Party!

We're very honored to have been asked to play at the magazine's birthday night at The Fleece on Friday. The magazine has been very good to us and the Chelmsford music scene over the last few years and it'll be great to pay tribute on what will surely be a great night. Also playing are Navacross, The Lunar Pilots, Paolo Morena and The Lemoncurd Kid, as well as a BBQ, face painting, the Panic sweet shop and burlesque! Click the flyer to be taken to the facebook event page. 

Video plans

We have recorded a new album! Good times! Unfortunately there is still mixing and mastering to be done as well as much planning for a release. We're really happy with what we've got and are looking forward to updating our catalogue with another 13 songs.

The plan is to release a video for each track, the first of which will be released as soon as we have the finished article all shiny and ready for your ears. We'll be needing people for some of the videos too so shall be asking for volunteers to be in videos over the coming months, if you're interested already send an email to

In the meantime, if you like dinosaurs, and we're sure you all do, please enjoy our video for Everything For Sale, from suffer:recover, a tribute to some fine dinosaur flicks:

Everything For Sale

Below are the rest of our videos to date, enjoy!

October In The Theatre

You Don't Have To Be A Wziard


Heirs To The Atmosphere


Ten Years


Thursday 14 October 2010

'suffer:recover' review from

Suffer: Recover

I’m finding myself lately, reviewing albums by bands I haven’t heard of. Normally, I see a name of a band I don’t know and I’ll Google it, maybe watch a video on YouTube or MySpace and probably be influenced by more than just the music.

The trouble here and now is, I haven’t got an internet connection at the moment. This means I can only listen to the promo I’ve been given to review.

But that doesn’t really matter for The Library Suits, because they’ve got me from the first listen. A band or artist makes a name for themselves by connecting in some way to their audience and their music becomes a soundtrack to our lives.

The Library Suits have this ability. Suffer; recover is up to the neck in passionate songs that suck you in from the first guitar chord. Songs that remind me of the American Emo movement, but there are reminiscent of European bands like Germany’s Fury in the Slaughterhouse or the UK’s Immaculate Fools.

The Library Suits are certainly all about the songs and if you like me, are the kind of person that wants their music to mean something, then this band should be in your playlist with five stars next to their name.

All I need to do now is visit a friend with internet so that I can Google them… Check out their page on MySpace BTW.

Review by Tobye Hillier

Heirs To The Atmosphere video is now online!

Hi all!

We've just uploaded a video for 'Heirs To The Atmosphere', from the 2008 E.p. 'Because It's Somewhere To Be'. The footage was taken at the Camden Barfly late 2009 while shooting the 'You Don't Have To Be A Wizard' vid. We will be uploading many more music videos in the near future, so stay tuned!

Join us on facebook!

Monday 11 October 2010

Nerd up!

Thanks to everyone who made their way down to The Fleece for our Nerd up! Birthday celebration night. It was the most fun I've had playing and I had to spend large periods of the set looking anywhere but at a crowd of nerds to prevent myself cracking up and making a big mess of everything! Kudos to everyone who was pulling some very geeky shapes on the dancefloor, to Scott for his attempted breakdancing and Chris for his Cossack dance. It's a shame we didn't set up some camera's, we could have made a great music video. We threw in two of our new tracks, 'You Don't Have The Imagination' and Reinvention too, which fitted into the set well.

Anyone who missed the night also missed Chris' touching present to Jon and myself, a stunning rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody that saw the man at one point atop the bar firework in hand. I think we may have to take him with us to every gig from now on.

So it's nice to be back in the saddle again, things got a bit slow over the summer after deciding to take a month off to watch England try and string three passes together, bad idea. The football was rubbish and we were left devoid of gigs and twiddling our thumbs. Thankfully we're now gigging regularly and writing new material, normal service is indeed resumed. Writing is going well, we now have around seven tracks complete or near completion and this album idea isn't looking so ridiculous after all. Our search for a keyboard player is going well too and there may be some good news along the way.

Finally, I'm getting annoyed at work with all the Christmas junk that's already on sale, so to spread the Christmas joy, here's a little ditty by us...

Richmond x

Sunday 26 September 2010

Here we go again...

As a band, we've come to the conclusion that a little pressure can be a good thing. In fact the more pressure we put ourselves under, the more motivated we seem to become. This became apparent shortly after the birth of our little band. The Library Suits was only a couple of months old and was taking it's first wobbly steps into the world of music when we decided to record our first release. 'suffer:recover' was even more ridiculous in retrospect. Having decided that we were going to record a full length album, we booked a week to record in two months time, despite only having four or five tracks written.

That all seemed to work out, somehow, so here we go again, on the 8th January we'll be swanning off yet again to record the follow up to 'suffer:recover'. We're all excited by this, and quite nervous but hope to return from Wales with a third album to show off and a gigging schedule more jam-packed than a doughnut smugglers' trousers.

So here's to the next few months, we'll be recording our progress in blog form so you can stay well up to date with how stressed we all are. Stay tuned for some incoherent ramblings, mainly about what a stupid idea this probably is, but also about some less serious stuff.

Blog you later,

Richmond x